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Dublin, Ireland

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Who we are

The Irish Music Rights Organisation CLG (IMRO) is a national organisation that administers the performing right in copyright music in Ireland on behalf of its members (who are songwriters, composers and music publishers) and on behalf of the songwriters, composers and music publishers of the international overseas societies that are affiliated to it.
A public performance of copyright music takes place when that music is used anywhere outside of the domestic environment.
A not-for-profit organisation, IMRO´s function is to collect and distribute royalties arising from the public performance of copyright works.
Music users such as broadcasters, venues and businesses pay for their use of copyright music by way of a blanket licence fee. IMRO collects these monies and distributes them to the songwriters, composers and music publishers who created the songs. The monies earned by copyright owners in this way are known as public performance royalties.
IMRO is also prominently involved in the sponsorship and promotion of music in Ireland. Every year it sponsors a large number of song contests, music festivals, seminars, workshops, research projects and showcase performances. Indeed, IMRO is now synonymous with helping to showcase emerging talent in Ireland.

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